Bahrain Bay’s new central cooling network comprises a district cooling plant and an ultramodern odorless sewage treatment plant each capable of serving up to 1,500,000sqm GfA.
The aim of the network is to make the very most of local resources and minimize the environmental impact of cooling and sewerage systems on the environment by reducing both fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission.
The central network means that buildings share utilities from the plants and benefit from the highest international standards.
This led to a highly effective cooling and sewerage system, and it also promotes energy efficiency and takes away the need for buildings to have their own unsightly and space-consuming chiller plants and cooling towers.

Total Capacity: 45,000 RT (155 MWc)
Network length: 5 km
18 Centrifugal chillers, 9 cooling towers
30 Energy Stations
Sewage Treatment Plant
(7,000 m3/day)