The Sultanate of Oman is one of the top 10 countries in terms of GDP growth since 1970s. The utilities sector is key to support Oman’s economic growth, both to meet the growing customers’ expectations in terms of service and to attract investment and industries.
The Sultanate of Oman has set clear objectives in terms of omanisation.
In order to align competencies level in the utilities sectorwith the highest standards, Veolia has signed a joint venture agreement with the Nama Group (group of 10 companies providing generation, transmission and distribution of electricity services in Oman) to develop a Nama Institute for Competency Development - NICD - in Oman, the first of its kind in the GCC region.
The Nama Institute for Competency Development (NICD) is a joint venture between Nama Group and Veolia to form a close collaboration and join expertise to source and offer tailor-made training solutions for the electricity and water sectors.
NICD provides tailor made certified training packages, combining classroom and practical sessions. Training sessions are integrated into comprehensive training paths to enable water and electricity organizations to efficiently manage competencies development and talent management.
NICD enables organizations to optimize the performance of their training budget by bringing to Oman a shared training platform for the sector.
Through the establishment of the NICD, Veolia brings its 160 year experience in water and electricity to contribute to the development of Omani talents.
The NICD has the ambition to equip and inspire Omani companies to practice the highest standards of the profession, develop their capacities in water and energy, and encourage Omani talents to realize their full potential.
Client benefits :
- Knowledge transfer
- Capacity building
- Career Development
- Omanisation
Solution :
- Competency Development Center

Knowledge transfer
Capacity building
Career Development